Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The White House suits you George! Clooney looks presidential as he has Sudan crisis talks with Obama


Crisis talks: George Clooney met with President Obama outside the Oval Office at the White House on Tuesday to talk about the renewed threat of violence in Sudan

No wonder he's nicknamed Gorgeous George...

Handsome, wealthy, philanthropic and also politically aware - is there anything George Clooney can't do?

The actor and activist was at the White House on Tuesday to meet with President Obama to discuss his recent trip to Sudan.

Obama and Clooney sat outside the Oval Office to talk about the renewed threat of violence in the region prior to a critical election in Africa's largest nation next year.

Clooney has just returned from the troubled country and is calling for the world to use international pressure to prevent violence ahead of the January 9 elections.
George looked very handsome and quite at home as he exited the West Wing to speak to waiting reporters after meeting with the President.

He said: 'At a time that is one of the most politicised times ever, this is something that everyone agrees on: If there's some way to get ahead of this and stop it before it happens, we better'.

Activist: George looked very presidential as he exited the White House

Clooney was joined by activist John Prendergast for the presidential meeting and he left in a good mood saying that he thought that Obama is well-informed on the situation and had every intention of keeping the peace.

The 49-year-old was sporting a bandage on two fingers on his left hand when he arrived in Washington by train for his meeting.

He had spent the morning in New York on The Today Show publicising his African trip and showing footage of his experience there.

Passionate: Clooney has campaigned for peace in Sudan for many years and was joined by activist John Prendergast on his recent trip to the African region

The Oscar winning actor and director told Today: 'We stopped the earlier civil war in 2005 with diplomacy. We didn't stop it with soldiers. So, yes, if we get involved now, we have a shot'.

Clooney says there's an overwhelming consensus that Sudan is primed to erupt into a civil war.

'It doesn't matter what I believe, because obviously I'm an actor. The Secretary of State said it's a ticking time bomb.

The CIA said this is the next genocide if we're not careful - it is the biggest risk'.

He added: 'Everyone acknowledges that this is what is going to take place if someone doesn't moderate and mediate... I'm just trying to say it as loud as possible'.

Injury: George joked with his glasses on The Today Show set and also sported a bandage on two fingers on his left hand

Home time: Clooney spotted this afternoon arriving at the airport in Washington DC as he makes his departure

source :dailymail [endtext]

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